Elevate Your Social Media.

There are many social media platforms, so how do we decide which ones are appropriate to use for our business? The answer is determined by our place of residence. As a first step we check what is happening worldwide, but if our targeted clients are located in the local market, we pay special attention to the prevailing trends. In addition, the age range of our ideal clientele needs to be taken into account. Furthermore, where they “hang out” is something that you should take into consideration.

Various sources show that 79% of users in Cyprus use Facebook and 45% use Instagram, whereas on a worldwide level 74% of users use Facebook for business purposes and 71% of the people who use Instagram are under 35.

The ultimate goal of a marketing strategy, whether it’s based on social media or print media, is by default to increase sales. It should not be the primary goal but more so the long-term goal. Therefore, we manage our social media pages with the goal of gaining followers and then turning them into customers. Proper management includes strategic moves & actions that need to be implemented as part of a comprehensive promotion and communication plan. Public, users are daily on Social Media and nowadays any business, large or small, can contact them and develop a meaningful relationship of interaction.

You can experience benefits in your business immediately, through proper management.

> Enhance Brand Awareness
With every post you make, you build the branding of your business, you bring your brand / company / product that is, in contact with the audience that interests you, and you remind them that you are there. Therefore, it is necessary for the corporate identity and the values ​​of the brand to be transferred to the online presence.

> You create a communication channel and a long-term relationship
Once you have an active presence on these platforms, you are where the audience you are interested in is and they can communicate with you or vice versa instantly, easily and often.

 > You create a Friendly corporate profile
As a more relaxed means of communication, social media gives a friendlier presence to any company, so e-mail automatically becomes more accessible and more humane. That is why social posts, even the simplest ones like a good morning or a happy birthday, are necessary.

> You gain publicity.
By promoting your successes, your news, your team, your Brand is spread by word of mouth. It imprints to the memory of the consumer and when your services are needed, they will first remember the company they saw more often, the company that is familiar to them, the company that has already built a relationship with them.

> Increase visits to your website.
One of the main goals is to drive potential buyers to the company’s website, where they will find information about your services and from there proceed to conclude a purchase.

Every business needs a personalized approach, whether it’s social media or any other way of promoting, you must ensure that it follows the right marketing strategy for the brand.


Andria Talli
@PaperDrops Visual Communication